Monogram Collection_no type.gif

Brand Identities

Logos and select branded assets designed for
Compass agents

 A few of the agent logos designed during my time at Compass. Custom branding each team enables agents to share equal billing with the brokerage on signage and other collateral.

A few of the agent logos designed during my time at Compass. Custom branding each team enables agents to share equal billing with the brokerage on signage and other collateral.

 Designed for Seattle-area broker Kelly Weisfield, this angular monogram takes on a different tone when it’s built into an elegant, Art Deco–inspired pattern and applied to a range of assets.

Designed for Seattle-area broker Kelly Weisfield, this angular monogram takes on a different tone when it’s built into an elegant, Art Deco–inspired pattern and applied to a range of assets.
